Wall Panels That Everyone can find everything in our Showroom

The Art behind Every Wall

The Luxury Antonovich Home is proudly introducing the Creative collection Wall paneling which is currently being showcased at the KA Furniture Dubai. As the Top Showroom in UAE, It managed to display the widest collection and selection of wall paneling to be able to bring out the best wall design for every Client. The KA Furniture Showroom has been decided to introduce to its valued client, Customers, and Followers the art of every wall paneling that can educate and gives them an idea on how to enhance the interior design of every room by using the artistic wall paneling.

Instead of having a blank and plain bed, The KA Furniture Showroom Team is using another smart way of decorating every home using this stylish wall paneling. By having this artistic Wall paneling, every interior design and every set of furniture will be having an extra beautiful appearance. This Bedroom is one of the best examples of how the lovely Wall paneling creates a very lovely result as it highlighted the entire appearance of the bedroom. The Bedroom become looks more Luxurious and Elegant.

Using Decorative Marble as Wall Panelling

Indeed the natural beauty of marble can be so attractive so why not installing it to your wall to achieve the most desired wall design? Using the Marble as a wall paneling brings out a natural beauty which will result in extra wonderful interior design. Marble as a wall paneling might be more costly, however, it never compromises the attractiveness that it can bring with the entire interior design. Marble as wall paneling looks so eye-catching and classy.

Wall Panelling Installation and Fixing

The KA Furniture Dubai Showroom has been extended its capacity to provide the full service to every client. So aside from Manufacturing and Producing the Wall paneling, The KA Furniture Dubai Showroom Team is doing the Wall paneling installation and Fixing. As the Top Furniture Showroom in UAE, It has a very professional and skilled team who’s doing the wall paneling cutting. And to bring out the best furniture for your home, The KA Funiture Showroom is doing the Delivery of wall paneling straight to every client home or project.

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