High End Barware


Many people are fascinated by bar art. Some made it their profession, while others arrange a small personal bar in their home or office. In any of these cases, we advise you to purchase a set of bar accessories (barware). All of them are exclusively elite and sophisticated, because Luxury Antonovich Home products are pure luxury. Our company is the world’s leading distributor of professional barware, offering a wide range of bar equipment, glasses, jiggers, shakers, kits and different cocktail accessories created in accordance with the strict standards of professional bartenders.

Katrina Antonovich

A large or small restaurant or home bar is a place where people like to spend time sipping cocktails and talking with the bartender or other visitors. Each bartender believes that his place of work is unique, and performs a special mission. The standard set for the bartender consists of a bar spoon, jigger, geysers, shaker, mixing bowl, bar knife, ice tools, strainers, corkscrews, blenders and madlers.


Barware made of steel, copper, glass and ceramics is an integral element of catering establishments, and is also becoming increasingly popular among owners of luxury villas and apartments, where your personal home bar is set up. Our professional barware is intended for preparation, mixing, dosing and original serving of drinks. When choosing an inventory, pay attention to its functionality, environmental friendliness and practicality. Give preference to exclusive brands that do not produce standard products, but create stylish, durable and multi-functional accessories for the bar.



Luxury Antonovich Home offers you a wide selection of different accessories for the bar area of your establishment or home. We have selected the very best of everything that exists in the market of goods of this group. In the assortment of our showroom in Dubai you will find original dishes and barware, focused on the sale of products for the restaurant (bar) business and home. Here you will find:

  • cocktail mugs made of high-strength glass, steel and copper;
  • special dispensers;
  • tanks for storing liquids and geysers for them;
  • dishes for serving coffee;
  • glasses, wine glasses and champagne flute;
  • dish covers;
  • bar spoons for creating cocktails and squeezers, helping to get juice and pulp from fruits;
  • shakers and measuring glasses;
  • bucket, tongs and ice scoop;
  • special strainers, madlers and filters;
  • bar organizers and much more.


In an upscale product from Luxury Antonovich Home, the overall integrity, harmony of parts and the attractive force of quality materials are felt. Bar equipment and barware is a necessary attribute, without which the bartender’s work efficiency is close to zero.


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