How Can You Develop Your Own Sense of Home Decor Style?


When planning repair and fit-out works or thinking about choosing the style of interior, we focus on large forms, losing sight of the details of interior. It is impossible to completely forget about the details of interior, because with their help it gets signs of a certain style, becomes lively, cozy and holistic.


Small items usually play the role of interior accessories, performing a more decorative role, although not without practical value. Bright vases, paintings and sculptures, posters, watches and unusual lamps, sofa cushions and rugs, your favorite collection of books or a wine collection — properly designed and presented, almost any items can become a real decoration of the interior. As the Luxury Antonovich Home designers say, such things need not be many, all the more, it is not necessary to spend impressive amounts on them, because not only a canvas by a famous master can decorate a room, but also a picture of your child inserted into a beautiful frame that you can find in our new designer collections.


Designers of our company advise to consider certain aspects when thinking about the selection of interior accessories. We outline the main points:

— interior style;

— color gamut;

— space geometry (room area, its ratio to the height of ceilings, window and doorways);

— the possibility of practical application of objects and their individuality (if possible).


Interior details determine style, just as style is determined by details. A copper Moroccan style lamp from Luxury Antonovich Home will be appropriate in the eastern interior, but it will spoil the living room in classic style. Our consultants are always happy to help you to cultivate in yourself that subtle sense of style and sensation, which particular fabrics, ornaments, lamps, dishes and decor are suitable for your idea. Even if a professional designer works on your interior, it will not be superfluous to understand the signs of the chosen style, because you have to live in this apartment.


The accessories presented in KA Furniture showroom are a great way to set color accents in interior and update existing rooms. A living room in a discreet beige color scheme or a calm cream kitchen will sparkle with new colors, if you add bright curtains, put a vase of colored glass on the table to match the textiles on the table, and an abstract picture on the wall. What is the beauty of such interior? If one day you get tired, for example, of a gray interior with bright scarlet accents, you can easily change them to lemon yellow or turquoise, adjusting the interior depending on the season and your mood.


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