JBR Apartment Design Dubai

Top Interior designer UAE

Luxury Antonovich design has been developed JBR Apartment Design Dubai with the best luxury interior design UAE. During the first stages of development in this project, our team has been focussed on the space planning arrangement as well as the great consideration of the location. JBR has been very well known as one of the most prominent locations in Dubai wherein High-end are usually choosing to live. As it is the prime location at the center of the city, JBR has been considered as the MIAMI version of Dubai as it has the greatest view of the shoreline – The Jumeirah Beach Dubai.

Katrina Antonovich

Katrina Antonovich

During the working process for this JBR Apartment Design Dubai, the Luxury Antonovich Design team which has been very well known as the Top interior designer UAE, has been performing an extraordinary style with a modern touch of elegance. This modern interior design for the JBR Apartment Design Dubai is filled with a set of classy and trendy furniture styles and full decorations. We have remained focus on performing a luxurious interior design that is very well suitable for a City apartment design with exceptional interior design in Dubai. 


JBR Apartment Design Dubai

This apartment has a huge window glasses with a wonderful shoreline view over the Jumeirah Beach that brings out an extra elegance in the full interior design Dubai. We have been installed a smart solution for the fully blocked curtains that can cover the entire window that will change the mood of the apartment interior. We have installed a smart home system as well as mirror TV that represents an extra glam and classy all through the apartment interior setting. 


JBR Apartment Design Dubai


JBR Apartment Design Dubai

As the best professional interior designer UAE, our goal is perform an extra ordinary apartment interior design in a modern style concept, that is why our team has been perform an outstanding work performances that represents the most luxury interior design Dubai. What makes this modern apartment interior design dubai is how we have created the full interior design in the most systematic that very well meet all the guidelines and requirements from the client.

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